World's Best Companies in Sustainable Growth 2025
We are proud to be one of only three Turkish companies to be included in this prestigious list of the world's top 500 companies with successful performance in three important criteria such as revenue growth, financial stability and environmental impact with the methodology developed jointlyby TIME and Statista. . As Yünsa, we are constantly working to maintain our sustainable growth and minimize our environmental impact.
Click here for the list. 👉 https://time.com/collection/worlds-best-companies-sustainable-growth-2025/

Combatting Violence Against Women And Raising Awareness Training
As Yünsa, we believe that all the employees should be a step forward in their work and personal lives. We advocate that everyone has right to live in a safe and respectful environment, regardless of gender or age. We support a violence-free life, which forms the foundation of a strong family and a strong community. With this belief, on March 18th, we hosted the "Combatting Violence Against Women and Raising Awareness Training," organized by the Çerkezköy Social Services Center under the Çerkezköy District Social Services Center Directorate of Çerkezköy District Governorship, as part of the Combatting Violence Against Women Activity Plan. The training aimed to raise awareness in combating violence against women with intense participation of the employees of the factory. We will continue to support educational and awareness activities on social gender equality and combating violence against women.

We Shared Our Sustainability Vision with Koç University Students
We met undergraduate students at "Careers in Social Impact & Sustainability" event organized by Koç University, one of Turkey's leading educational institutions. Our Operations Director Engin Sarıbüyük and R&D Manager Duygu Yavuzkasap Ayakta spoke at the event and shared our company's sustainability and ESG efforts and our vision of leaving a green world for future generations. They also shared inspiring experiences with students and guided them on building careers in sustainability.

We Met the Engineers Of The Future At ITU Career Summit'24
We participated in the ITU Career Summit'24, a traditional event organized annually since 2005 by Istanbul Technical University (ITU), one of the oldest technical universities in the world (established in 1773) known for its engineering and architecture education. At this important career event where we met with ITU engineering students and graduates and shared our internship opportunities within Yünsa through our "First Step to the Future Internship Program." Additionally, we conducted interviews with new graduates starting their career journeys that helped them to gain experience, and offered employment opportunities by including them in our candidate pool.

CHILD Abuse Information Training
Psychologist with the support of Çerkezköy Health Directorate regarding child abuse. Awareness training was given by Leyla Akdoğan.

HIV/AIDS Information Training
Within the scope of December 1-6 AIDS awareness week, with the support of Çerkezköy Health Directorate, Yünsa factory, Dr. HIV/AIDS Information Seminar was organized by Jülide Vatansever.

Yünsa was deemed worthy of the "Respect for Humanity Award"
Yünsa, which is proud to receive awards for both 2022 and 2023 at the Kariyer.net Respect for People Awards ceremony, one of the most prestigious HR awards in Turkey, with its successful human resources policies, fulfilled all the criteria determined for the Respect for People Award and received an award among more than 30 thousand institutions. It became one of 206 companies.

We bring hope to our children with cancer with LÖSEV donations
The Foundation for Children with Leukemia (LÖSEV) Shop organization, held on October 12 at Yünsa Çerkezköy Factory campus, attracted great attention from Yünsa employees. Within the scope of the event held to support LÖSEV, the income obtained from the shop consisting of valuable food and textile products handmade by the mothers of children with cancer was donated to LÖSEV.

Awareness training for Yünsa employees continues
Yünsa did not forget its female employees during breast cancer awareness month and organized an awareness-raising training for all Yünsa women with a special organization. "Breast Cancer Awareness Month", held every October for breast cancer, which is the most common disease in women in our country and in the world and also the most common cause of death, aims to promote the screening and prevention of the disease, which affects 2.3 million women worldwide.

"Oral and Dental Health Training" special for Yünsa employees
Yünsa employees had the opportunity to gain detailed information about dental health with the "Oral and Dental Health Training" organized by Sevgi Oral and Dental Health Center. Within the scope of the organization held on September 21, Yünsa residents received comprehensive training on the causes of tooth decay, prevention of tooth decay, and oral and dental care.