Sustainability in YünsaSustainability PolicyEconomic PerformanceStrategy and Management PolicySocial PerformanceEnvironmental PerformanceSustainability ReportOur Roadmap for SustainabilityCertificates and StatementAwards
Social Performance

Sustainability impacts cover health and safety of all our employees and their professional development. We run our operations with the goal of zero accidents, provide equal development and career opportunities for all and see diversity in human resources as part of our corporate culture.

Occupational health and safety

At Yünsa, health and safety of our employees comes first among our company’s strategic sustainability priorities. The core goal of all the people and departments in charge of occupational safety is to attain zero occupational accident and disease.


At Yünsa our priorities are to protect our employees’ health and safety, to enhance their personal and occupational development and to provide them with an equitable work environment where all their rights are fully assured.


  • We sustain our ethical values.
  • We ensure mutual trust.
  • We embrace our responsibilities.
  • We appreciate success.
  • We respect diversity and variety.
  • We consider ideas and expectations.
  • We favour work - life balance.
  • We conduct policies and practices beyond legal necessities.

We Reward Contributions of Our Employees at Yünsa!

Employees under the scope of TPM activities contribute to the improvement system via error cards with their sugegstions on them and the rest of employees use individual suggestion system to bring out possible solution alternatives of the non-conformity they observe.

Diversity and equal opportunity

At Yünsa, we practice an equal opportunities policy from employment to retirement provided to everyone within the constitutional and legal framework regardless of their language, race, colour, gender, political affiliation, beliefs, religion, creed, age, physical disabilities and such particulars. We support the Equality at Work Platform Principles that we joined in 2013.

Training and development

Yünsa Training and Organisational Development Department offers a variety of trainings each tailored to a particular requirement in order to help our employees develop themselves in skills that will support them in executing their jobs in the most effective way.

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