10 October 2018

Great meeting in the giants league:

Woolmark® leaders were at the Yünsa center.
Meaningful visit by Woolmark®, to YÜNSA, the largest woolen fabric manufacturer of Europe and Turkey!
İstanbul, 1 December 2014 – YÜNSA, the largest woolen fabric manufacturer of Europe and Turkey, hosted leaders of the world's leading wool organization Woolmark at their factory in Çerkezköy yesterday. YÜNSA, which hosted Woolmark leaders coming from seven different countries, informed Woolmark executives about YÜNSA 's position in the industry, their customer expectations, the Turkish textile sector and their production facilities. Woolmark executives who visited the factory with the success story of a Turkish company with one hundred percent Turkish capital in the leading position in Europe behind it; stated that they were very impressed by the production lines and the process that blends art with the production techniques which use the latest technology. During the visit where issues related to increasing use of wool in Turkey and raising consumer awareness about wool and its benefits were also discussed; the participants had the opportunity to become familiar with the Turkish textile sector the studies that YÜNSA conduct. The Woolmark Company, which is the global authority on Merino wool and a subsidiary of the Australian Wool Innovation, operates in more than 30 countries. Woolmark, which conducts studies on increasing the awareness on wool, expanding its use and its benefits in the world; is committed to working with the goals of ensuring global competitiveness and sustainability of the Merino wool industry, and increasing the demand for and accessibility to wool.
Bora Birgin, Vice General Manager for Sales and Marketing who expressed that YÜNSA has also attracted attention around the world with its successful charts said the following about the visit: "Using wool fabrics produced with natural fibers has become even more important in today's conditions. Wool is made from a fiber that is one hundred percent natural, recyclable and renewable. It is a healthy product as well as having environmentally friendly features. As YÜNSA we mainly use wool fibers in the fabrics we produce. We prepare our collections based on the expectations and needs of our customers around the world while producing the highest quality woolen fabric in Turkey and Europe. At the point we have reached today, many end users in several locations around the world have the opportunity to experience quality YÜNSA fabric thanks to our strong international network. The Woolmark logo is one of the quality indicators for wool. In this context, the visit that took place today is valuable to us. In this frame of reference, as YÜNSA, we continue to conduct studies to increase awareness on wool in the world, and for this valuable fiber to be used in the right way.”
Collaborations coming up
Woolmark and Yünsa executives stated that in 2015 the two major organizations would be in close relationships increasing their contact, and would conduct studies to increase awareness about wool in Turkey following the visit

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